Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness



Living Waters Health and Wellness Ministry is made up of lay individuals and healthcare providers with an interest in helping others achieve maximum health and wellness in every area of life.

The Ministry meets quarterly and responsively assist other Ministries and the church in accomplishing its overall mission.

Mission Statement

The Living Waters-Health and Wellness Ministry (HWM) is aligned with the overall mission of Living Waters Ministries.  The ministry is a broad-based approach to providing church members and the community alike with tools to live a spiritually, emotionally, and physically well-balanced life.


The LWM-Health and Wellness Ministry (HWM) has increased awareness related to healthcare issues, increased information related to health resources, and provided information to church members and community members to live healthier lives.


  • Provide collaborative energy and efforts to support church ministry;
  • Provide health educational resources;
  • Provide a listing of all healthcare providers within the Ministry;
  • Provide  healthy food choices; and
  • Provide training related to positive health choices.

You are cordially invited to join our efforts. Our key verse is (3 John 1:2) which focuses on the total man.  We encourage all healthcare providers to register with this Ministry. Thank you and may God bless and keep you!

3 John 1:2 (NIV)
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

 For more information or to join this ministry contact us: